TYP Advocacy Committee | Vote YES on Prop 411

March 17, 2022
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Tucson Young Professionals supports Proposition 411 on the City of Tucson May Election ballot because our members have told us they want better roads and infrastructure in Tucson.


TYP’s Advocacy Committee surveys TYP members on what issues are priority to them in staying and thriving in Tucson, and creating a prosperous, inclusive and innovative region. In our 2021 survey, members put “Transportation and Communication Infrastructure” as a Top 3 Priority. In our TYP Advocacy Platform that read “TYP supports efforts that will maintain and improve transportation infrastructure for Greater Tucsonans.” 


Tucson Young Professionals (TYP) is one of the largest organizations serving and representing all working professionals aged 21-45, in the state of Arizona, over 800 members-strong. Our mission is to retain, attract and promote these professionals in Greater Tucson, with a vision of creating the most prosperous, inclusive and innovative region possible. 


The data is clear – young professionals and families prioritize quality roads and infrastructure as one of a few key criteria in their decision to come and stay in communities, and our members have said the same in our most recent local survey. 85% of neighborhood roads in the City of Tucson are in poor or failing condition, needing $600 million to repair and preserve them. 


20% of the funds collected will also be used to” invest in bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements, sidewalks, lighting, traffic signal technology, and traffic-calming infrastructure.”


For that reason, TYP will be urging its members, and fellow Tucson families, to continue investing the $3 per month they have been for the last 5 years under Prop 101, into Prop 411 for the next 10 years to tackle the neighborhood road repair problem. We have taken a careful look at whether the promises made to voters 5 years ago, in 2017, are being delivered on, and by-and-large feel comfortable that they are and will be over the next few years. We intend to keep advocating for the most efficient and effective use of these dollars going forward.


The quality and maintenance of our local streets are a reflection of our community’s intention to provide an affordable cost of living, with economic opportunity, and family-friendly amenities such as good parks, quality schools, and safe neighborhoods. 


Vote YES on Prop 411.


Heath Vescovi-Chiordi, TYP Advocacy Committee Chair

John Winchester, TYP Advocacy Committee Co-chair

Devon Underwood, TYP Board President 

Zach Yentzer, TYP Executive Director